Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A better look at performance training

What Performance Training Should Look Like? Toward the end of 2011 I wanted to reflect on some thoughts good and bad about our industry. 1. Trainers don't have to study 2. Trainers don't study they just borrow from others 3. We are focused on results and not the process 4. Trainers tell clients what to do the clients makeup should 5. We think functional training is standing on a ball doing bicep curls 6. We don't look at body control we just add weight to clients progressions 7. Industry is focused on money and not making people better 8. Trainers don't second guess and try and get better 9. A new exercise doesn't mean the person is progressing 10. Is there anything the person can do before this 11. We are focused on fast food and fast fitness 12. Some coaches are studying to get better and science and biomechanics is the place not YouTube 13. Value the people who push you out of your comfort zone 14. Position/motion plus resistance plus time plus effort 15. A squat doesn't look a certain way it all depends on what your trying to accomplish 16. If you can control it don't add weight 17. Did you think training in isolation is for meatheads? 18. Just because you have a degree or cert. doesn't mean your done learning 19. Does your trainer know that a lunge can be done to stress the knee or put more torque on the hips? 20. Does your client have ability to stop or control what they are doing? 21. You are told to go lower on your lunge or squat but you can't control the current weight? I don't think I know everything about this industry but do think the majority don't try to get better. I hope this has made you think about who your training with and are they getting you better or just training? I'm always trying to get better because training someone is a privilege and a big responsibility. Coach B Meyer (off to study)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fight To Be Fittest TEST DAY

Hey Fighters-

With the holidays coming and people leaving for family visits we are offering the following test days and times.  You must get tested before Jan. 1.  We are super excited to see the great results.  The atmosphere and team work in the gym has been great with the fight.  We thank you all and look forward to the next Fight.  Results will be posted Jan. 2nd along with an interview from the winner so you can learn from the best.  LOL.

Tuesday Dec. 20th 7am-9am
Tuesday Dec. 20th 12-1 or 5-6pm

Thursday Dec. 22nd 7am-9am
Thursday Dec. 22nd 12-1 or 5-6pm

Please text or email Coach B or Coach Dave if you are unable to make test times.

bmeyer@bmeyertraining.com  Caoch B

dr5mj23@gmail.com    Coach Dave

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cardio First?

I need to do cardio first ?

Dr. Kenneth Cooper states

Although the condition of the heart may be a key to health, the key to health is not the heart!  The things that we as exercise/rehab professionals should be looking at first and foremost are neuromuscular integrity and joint integrity.  It is the skeleton and connective tissues that are the foundations for all force distribution.  Without healthy joints we will not be able to maintain activity to improve overall health and life.  They must endure the forces generated both internally and externally.  And without appropriate muscular activity and proper recruitment sequence/order to provide optimal joint function and joint forces the joints will not remain healthy and then no more cardio!

Every form of exercise is resistance exercise!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Suspension Training TRX with Coach Anne

Become a part of something special before the year is over with Coach Anne.  Thanks for the  blog post Coach Anne.  

More confessions from a TRX addict...

I don't have to go to work...I get to go to work; to do something I love with exceptional leaders in the world of personal/athletic training!  Secondary to my first love and primary calling as a wife and mother,  I was created to teach, lead, encourage and inspire through suspension training.  My strengths and passions, my personal expedition of health and fitness and my desire to walk with others as they realize success in their physical journey makes my role at B Meyer Training a perfect fit for ME!  When I started down the path of leading TRX suspension training classes at B Meyer, I thought I'd play an integral part in helping others seek and fulfill their fitness goals.  What I didn't expect was who I'd meet along the way and that I would be taught, led, encouraged and inspired by them!  I'm constantly challenged and encouraged by the B Meyer T.E.A.M. ~ Together Everyone Accomplishes More! I am inspired by clients who faithfully show up BIG.  And I am honored to be a fundamental presence in the lives of those who are on a quest for wellness!  

B Meyer Training and TRX suspension equipment have provided me with the exceptional tools and support to motivate two incredible ladies.  In the past 16 weeks they have gained confidence, increased strength, flexibility and endurance, and successfully shed over 60 pounds combined!  What a privilege to celebrate their accomplishments together!  

Don't wait for the New Year...Make health and fitness a priority in your life today!  TRX group classes at B Meyer Training Center are available at the following times:

M  6pm  Intermediate More Core!
     7pm  Basic

T   9:00am Intermediate

W 6pm Basic
    7pm Advanced

Th 9:00am  Intermediate

F  6:30am Basic

S 8am Advanced
   9am Intermediate

Email Anne to register for classes

Monday, November 14, 2011

Who is Coach B Meyer?

I recently was asked by Jeremy Boone and athletesbydesign to answer a few questions about performance training.  I'm looking forward to more projects like this in the near future and here is a look at a few of questions I had to answer for Coach Boone.  Thanks JB for your questions and being a big part of who I am today.

  1. What’s your definition of a coach?
A coach to me is more than teaching movement/strength and program design.  As a coach you are a mentor and teacher to your clients.  I focus on trying to set a good example in every aspect of my life for my clients no matter the age.  A coach is a giver first and always focusing on the client/athlete first.  

  2.  Summarize your story of how and why you became a coach?

I was always the kid during practice wondering why I was training a certain way for the sport I was playing at that time.  I was always curious why some athletes were successful and other failed to reach their potential.  I was impacted by my parents and coaches in various ways and always knew I could make a difference in a young athletes life for the better.  My first love was coaching after my playing days and with my education and foundation my parents gave me I knew performance training could help me impact people for the better.  I began studying my high school coaches and top strength coaches throughout high school and college and knew i had to get involved in this industry.  

  3.  For those that may not know you, whats your coaching focus and level of athletes that you work with?

My coaching focus is movement first and teaching body awareness.  I think the industry focuses a lot on power and speed and ignores the fundamental of life and sports which is movement and with this comes the power and speed.  The level of athletes I work with are from junior kids to NBA all-stars.

 6.  Who has been your top three biggest influences?  What has been your most valuable things you have learned from each?

My parents for teaching me hard work and never taking the short cut.   

 Second my high school coaches for the most part didn't provide a positive atmosphere for me to do my best in life and sport.  I learned from them that every client/athlete needs to be treated differently.  I understand the impact in a positive way and negative way that coaches can effect people.

Third, first mentor who is still a performance coach in Florida who education wise was great but morals and standards made him fall short.  I would say his name but I'm sad to say he has treated people wrong and in my eyes could of been one of the best in the industry if he would of listened to what he preached.  I learned to never push away good people and you can always learn something from every coach you come across.  I'm very grateful to him and the people I started with at this location in Florida and wish nothing but the best to him in the future.

I have 2 other and understand you only asked for 3 but I have to mention them.  One is the manager of one of athletes I train.  He is all about relationships and investing in other people, you must put into their pot first and the rest will take care of itself.   The last one is my business partner who believed in me as person and then as performance coach.  He makes me jump everyday to new heights and we go by the quote you fail forward you aren't failing.  Why not try? 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fight To The Fittest Challenge

Fight to ‘B’ the Fittest. There can only ‘B’ one! This is a two month challenge to select the fittest member or client at the B Meyer Training Center. We all love competition and if you don’t, well surely you will be motivated by a financial reward.

Overview of the Program

• Pre and post testing will be conducted to determine the fittest-Non-athlete. NO worries; the contest is based on improvements.

• You are in a competition against other members but all your test scores are based on your improvements. It is not who can jump the highest and run the fastest.

• You receive a booklet with your workouts that must be signed by a staff member after each workout.

• The participation fee is $150.00 payable at the beginning of each two month challenge. The top 3 get prizes

• No challenge is started without 20 people taking the step forward to better fitness and more money in your pocket. If you don’t finish first you still win something.

• 1 TRX Class is required each week in addition to the recommended 2-3 workouts from your booklet. The price for 1 TRX class is included per week. (Adding a second TRX class per week changes your total fee to $180. Existing TRX class cards not applicable)

• This is open to anyone. It is a 2 month obligation to your better health and fitness.

• Workout for the challenge can only be done during these times at the gym: M-F 630AM to 10AM 12-2PM 6-7PM


First Place

• 20 people 750.00

• 25 people 937.50

• 30 people 1,125.00

An interview with Coach B will be posted on his Vimeo/Youtube/Facebook to tell others about your challenge and brag to the world.

Second Place

• Autographed ball from Dwight Howard

• One month free membership and complete program of your choice

Third Place

• 2 cases of Drink Chia! Your choice of flavors

• One month free membership at the BMeyer Training Center

You cannot lose! You can only get better and benefit from 2 months of premium workouts in the best gym environment in Central Florida. Are you in?


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

America is Fat and Lazy

America is Fat and Lazy

I've been spending a lot of time working with clients and traveling this summer and one thing I continue to see is the lack of knowledge in eating and healthy snacks.  I live a fast pace life and have little time to spend in the kitchen and even less to eat.  I've heard all the excuses and wanted to shed some light on some easy tips to change the way you shop and eat forever.  For fitness tips and interviews with my athletes go to my VLOGS at 

Stage 1 Keeping it Simple

Rule 1 Shopping
1. Always bring a list and the majority of your shopping should be on the outside sections of the store.
2. Don't go to the store hungry and stick to your list.
3. Don't shop on Saturday or Sundays, you run into people and will spend all day talking.

Rule 2  Frozen and Canned Foods Aren't Bad
1.  Frozen Vegetables still pack the punch and are easy to prepare
2.  Canned beans are still good just drain the water and get rid of the salt
3. Soy burgers are easy to prepare and do taste good even though they have a bad thought process in people's heads.  Add a whole wheat bun, lettuce, mustard and tomato and you are finished.
4.  Red Meat and frozen patties 1-2 weeks are ok so don't skip the red meat.

Rule 3  Breakfast/lunch/dinner Tips Made Easy
1.  Eggs won't make you fat so this is a must 3-4 X a week for breakfast.
2.  Turkey bacon stick in the microwave while your eggs are cooking and you are ready.
3.  Microwave your water before putting in the pot for your oatmeal and you saved a few minutes of time waiting for the water to boil.  Add brown sugar Splenda and some milk and you're done.  Blueberries are always good to add on top.
4.  Sunday night take your eggs and hard boil them so they are ready to go for the week.  Toast some wheat bread and add eggs with or without turkey bacon and you have a quick meal.
5.  Bag of lettuce, cut of some deli meat or cooked chicken, some vegetables, croutons, raisins, almonds, and add some lite dressing and you're done.
6.  Dinner -  a naked bowl quick and easy.  They have mircowave brown rice 90 seconds. Cook some chicken and steam some broccoli.  Add this to a bowl and add some cheese and you are good to go.
7.  Make it a family event and make healthy pizza.  Tomato paste, whole wheat muffins, chicken, low fat cheese it can't get much easier.  
8.  I know you moms and dads can add your own special twist to these simple ideas so get after it.

It might take an extra minute but these are easy tips to cut time and believe me you will look and feel better with these choices.

Good luck this week shopping and I hope this has helped you make some small changes in your daily eating.  I will be posting more and look for Coach B on his VLOG shopping for quick and easy foods soon.

Coach B Meyer


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Confessions from a TRX addict...

Aside from the obvious admiration I have for the Coaches at B Meyer Training, I have loved leading the TRX suspension training classes as it allows me to challenge the mom's who have previously neglected their fitness routine in addition to the athletes who are seeking to achieve specific functional objectives and everyone in between! The TRX Suspension Trainer and the new TRX Rip Trainer are not only extraordinary performance training tools that offer fitness enthusiasts endless ways to improve strength, balance, flexibility and core stability, the TRX enables you to experience a workout unparalleled to your current workout routine. The synergistic efforts of Coach B's brilliant class programming coupled with the passion and energy of O-town's TRXpert Annie Abs make the TRX group classes at B Meyer Training unsurpassable!

Share my passion for TRX training at one of the class times offered at B Meyer Training Center:

Monday 6pm 7pm

Tuesday 10am

Wednesday 6pm 7pm

Thursday 10am

Saturday 8am 9am

Watch for upcoming special events and Back-to-School Boot Camp in the fall!

TRX Products

TRX Training Facebook

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer 2011

Summertime here at B Meyer Training Facility.  Getting ready for an exciting summer, with a lot going on here at our home (facility).  TRX Classes are the place to be with Coach Anne. Classes fill up quickly, so get on it.. Anyone interested, contact our webpage or call us directly.. B Meyer and team are working on our new and improved Brochure to give YOU what YOU want to keep you getting better.  Also on its way, our first DVD series to keep you at the top of your game at your convenience.  More details are on the way and will be available to purchase through our website.  Our team is growing, as Suzanne, our M.A.T. specialists is feeling right at home.  Maybe one day she will be all settled in.. That's not all. As David, our new intern, is helping us and adding a new piece to our team to get us where we want to be... WE KEEP GETTING BETTER... Are YOU????


Monday, June 13, 2011

Machines/Free Weights in Lower Body Exercises

Machines are great and free weights are bad?  Free weights are the best they allow the body to move the way it should?  Machines are for body builders not athletes? I can isolate and rehab with machines?  I use a combination in my training?  Cables are best and I never use machines?

These are just a few questions and concerns most have when it comes to using machines and not using machines.  What is your belief?  Here are a few things to think about and as a performance coach and I'm always looking for the best tool to get the job done.  Here is my thought on lower body training and is a work in progress.  The method always is about the client not what exercise I want to do that day.

1.  Seated leg press-  Most have backrest which do not allow the natural curve of your spine and promote lumbar flexion.  Maintain normal curve and avoid using knee flexion that causes marked lumbar flexion.  Careful as the weight returns on the eccentric to avoid a rounded back.

2.  Smith machines-  Careful with your back as sometimes the machines forces your back to round to get the movement done.

3.  Do you have proper ankle tri-plane movement ?  Should you work on this first to avoid injury?  I believe so.

4.  Free standing squats vs the hack squat-  Hack squat machines can put a lot of stress on the knees and are bad exercise to take the place of the free squats.

5.  Where should you place the weight when doing squats?  As a general rule I believe in getting two leg and one leg ROM better before doing an sort of weighted squats.  What stance do most athletes and people need?    The deep athletic stance is crucial for everyone so is it worth the risk on the back to load the spine with weight on the back and do the old school barbell squat?  Can you get more benefit by doing single leg squat and goblet type squat and save the back?

More on this subject later but remember how you train will not only effect you after the workout but years down the road.  The back maybe be fine after your work and hurt a little but in time you will do damage to your back which can limit you in life and sport.

Coach B Meyer

                                                       WOW is all I can say

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cross-Training Continued Part II

General Fitness and Training for Sport

1.  Devise a program for general fitness will interact negatively with training for other fitness qualities.
2.  Prolonged emphasis on cardio conditioning will decrease strength, hypertrophy, and power.
3.  Usually it is inappropriate to perform endurance before strength and speed training.
4.  Recovery from bursts of activity do require cardio and long term energy system however most sports that are field/court sports require short and intermediate term non oxidative systems.
5.  What are you training for?
6.  Is cross-training best for sports or just a fun good workout?
7.  Cross-training setting loads, training periods, volumes and rest periods must be planned and often large class settings don't take this into account for the athlete.
8.  Back to playing sports after any injury should be done by a physical therapist before any training has begun with your performance coach.  The issues I have with most coaches is they don't test the athlete they relay on the PT to say its OK to get back to your sport.  I often have girls with ACL issues and they still have large imbalances and they think its OK to return, I think not !
9.  A large imbalance after injury is common but its needs to be addressed and most programs and especially cross-training programs don't address this.
10.  Is your cross-training making you stiff or causing you pain in certain areas
11.  I love cross-training ass kick workouts but also want you to think about what is best for your goals and your sport even if its the game of life.

B Meyer Training Site

Stack Magazine

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When to use cross-training

Currently there is a big buzz about cross-training and circuit training.  Is this effective for the athlete or just for the general population?  I will try and write more on this topic but wanted to give you athletes something to think about when you start your summer training.

1. Is cross-training preparing me for general fitness or my sport?
2. Is my sport an endurance sport and should a combination of power then to strength be done during cross-training?
3. Is it effective to combine fitness with my strength training program?
4. When should if at all cross-training be put into my strength program?
5.  Does cross training address my long term goals to short term method of training?
6. What does my sport require and does my cross-training method address the issues I need for my sport?
7.  Did I get hurt last year and where should my training start?
8.  Does my coach address my issues and concerns I had last season or just go into his or her progressions?
9.  What tests are done before I begin my off-season training?
10.  Does your skill coach or sport coach think they are a performance coach and put fitness into your program?  If so when is this counter-productive to your practice session?  Is this ok to put fitness into your skills practice?

I'm not taking one side on this topic just trying to make you athletes and cross-training lovers think about what your goals really are for your sport.  Here are my thoughts from some of the best in the industry and also after reading and having 12 plus years in training athletes.  I'm always learning but wanted to share and make you think about what your off-season training should look like or not look like.


Coach B Meyer

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Intern

The past few weeks has been crazy with the new room coming together, suspension training classes, and my business partner getting the Chia Drink off and running.  I just want to thank all the help I've received from Kamari, Anne, Mark, and Hanna.  I don't say enough but I appreciate you all and am lucky to have you by my side daily.  Suzanne the MAT specialist is a bonus and she adds to much from her expert knowledge to her great personality.  Thanks guys.

A few words from Hanna who has been shadowing and interning with the B Meyer Training Center.

Weeks Reflection
Over the past couple weeks I have continued to learn a lot at the Bryan Meyer Training facility. Last week I began to learn about progressions and how to fit them into the NASM training model. Additionally I got to observe Bryan tweak these progressions to make them more difficult and more personal. I also saw how Bryan would regress an injured client, putting her through physical therapy like sessions before he can progress her back to movement/strength training for basketball.
Bryan also had me research some of the people he looks up to in the industry and see how he borrows and tweaks progressions to fit his training beliefs. Both are performance coaches that Bryan studied when he started out. These coaches and Bryan share a basic principle that there is more than one way to effectively train.  If you have been doing the same workout progression for over a few months then you haven't gotten better.  The faster you can get some from A to Z the better never be afraid to make mistakes.
One day I was able observe a session with Suzanne. Suzanne practices Muscle Activation, a technique that is designed to evaluate and treat muscular imbalances. Before watching and listening to Suzanne, I had never heard of this particular practice. However on the surface, it appears to be a successful way to treat chronic pain and injury.
Lastly, for the past two Mondays, I have been able to help out Anne, Bryan’s new Suspension Training Coach. Anne has taught me how to properly practice suspension training and how to put together a suspension training work out.  If you haven't contacted Anne on facebook or checked B Meyer Training fan page be sure to see this class is the only one like it in Orlando.  Anne has been working with Coach B on becoming the new Program Coach and I'm excited to learn from her and Coach B on using his pre-made programs for everyday people.  The problem I see with most gyms is a cookie cutter program for everyone and Coach B has made specific programs to address everything and everyone from Dancers to moms and dads.  As more people see and feel the benefits they will be sure to come back to the gym to continue their fitness journey.  As soon as you finish one program you can start a new one and reach that athlete in you.  Coach Anne has just started training herself on the Skinny Strong Athlete Program and I'm sure she will update Coach Bs blog with updates on how her journey is going.  Lets see what you can do Anne with this great program.  Look for more updates guys and we will see you at the gym.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Views from B Meyer Training Intern

Words from a B Meyer Intern
Vince Lombardi once said, “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” It is the quote which comes to mind as I reflect on my first week of interning at B Meyer Training. I was able to see dedication from Patric Young, matched by the dedication of Bryan who is determined to help him achieve his goals. Knowledgeable instruction backed by state of the art equipment guarantees success---if only the person is willing to make the commitment. The lessons learned at B Meyer Training are those that one can rely on for a lifetime, long after the glimmer of professional sports is gone, and replaced by the pragmatism of life. The desire to succeed, face new challenges and never ever quit, transcends sports. These are the life lessons that Bryan tries to instill in everyone who enters their doors. A sound mind and a sound body work hand in hand.
Bryan and his staff have created an atmosphere of encouragement and plain old friendliness that inspires confidence in their clients and keeps them coming back again and again eager to push the limits. Personally, I look forward to being there every day and greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn from those who are as passionate as I. 

Words from Coach B Meyer
I want to thank Hanna for her work this week as I put her into the mix with some intense personalities and different situations.  To be young and experience how B Meyer Training strives for excellent is great and I thank Hanna for those nice words.  In no way is the system complete @ B Meyer Training but we are trying to improve and strive for excellence everyday no matter an athlete like Patric Young or the super moms and dads that come through our doors.  Hanna will be shadowing other trainers in the Orlando area outside of B Meyer Training and I will be sure to put her thoughts good and bad on my blog.  I'm not into hiding anything and feel the truth only makes us better good and bad.  Let us look forward to hearing more from Hanna in the future and helping other interns around the US and  beyond to learn what she thinks.  I know she is only a college intern but a dam smart one.   I may have more knowledge in my setting but the short time I've known her I can say she will be successful in whatever path she chooses.   Hopefully you young kids can relate and learn from her thoughts or at least give you some things to think about on your career path.  Pass this blog along to your friends who have an interest in Performance Training and I look forward to hearing your views.

Coach B Meyer (still sad from the Orlando lost)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

You Can't Replace Time

The past few weeks I received a bunch of emails from performance coaches and also college/high school kids wondering what route to take to be a performance coach.  I don't know everything and am always trying to get better but here is some quick and useful advice that worked for me.  Advice is great but if you don't put it into action it does nothing.

1.  Surround yourself with people that are better than you in your field
2.  Steal from people take what works for them and make it your own
3.  Study the best in the business
4.  Have a system for your training (NASM still has best outline of how to train)
5.  Ask questions and shadow and watch performance coaches
6.  A degree helps and so does certifications but putting those into action is the key
7.  The smart guy is not always the best trainer.  Just like the best athlete is not always the best coach.
8.  Find a mentor in different areas and people that want you to be better than them. A mentor is great but if he or she holds you down get away.
9.  Be professional and hold yourself to a higher standard.  A quote I like forgot who said it  "others can you can not."  For example when I was playing college sports I did my studies and workouts before I went to the party or movie.  Well, at least most of the time.
10.  You may think you want to train athletes or obese people does your personality fit it and can you mold to find a connection with these type of people?
11.  Never settle and don't be afraid to jump but ask questions along the way you will fall just get back up.






Last thank the people that have helped you.  I appreciate all the places and people good and bad.  I always learn from every situation.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

B Meyer Training Center adds more in May

Starting in May a new performance coach will be added to the team and we will be spotlighting her next week.  She will be taking over the new addition to the center in the coming weeks.  The new addition includes two new rooms with equipment and another bathroom for members and clients to use.  We are extremely excited to add this new person to the team and stop in to meet her before we spotlight this amazing addition.   The goal we have always had is to the raise level and with this addition we have done just that. 

New TRX Class Schedule Starting in May
Along with the new performance coach we will also be adding a certified TRX instructor to take the class to new heights.  Welcome aboard Anne we are very excited to have you on board.  Look for new class times coming on facebook and twitter.

What is the TRX?

Stack Magazine and the B Meyer Training Center
First, congrats to Dwight Howard with another NBA Defensive Player of The Year Award for the third year running.  Second, Dwight was also on the cover of this month Stack Magazine and Stack.com.  This site and magazine is for the athlete and fitness lover.  Please check out the videos and training tips from Coach B and Dwight and see how he prepares for the NBA season.  Let's go Magic.

Click these links to see the training videos and more.

Stack 1

Flip the Switch

Stack 2

Core Training with Coach B and Dwight


Monday, April 4, 2011


See what Superman does to elevate his game with Coach B.

Magazine Stack

Client Spotlight Ryan Dease

Ryan Dease, an 11 year old kid starting training with Coach B about four months ago.   He started racing motorcycles at the age of 6, signed with a sponsor at the age of 7, and continued racing until the age of 9.  His close  friend suffered a serious motorcycle accident during practice which ended up leaving his friend with brain injury and forced Ryan and his family to re-evaluate the sport. As a result, he gave up motorcycle racing for a new dream, baseball. He signed up with Maitland Little League at age 9, was moved up to the Majors Division (up to 12 year olds) the same season. In 2009, he was selected to the 9-10 year old All-Star team and also played on three different tournament baseball teams. In 2010, he was selected to the 10-11 year All-Star team which won the District and Sectional Championship as well as finished 2nd in the Florida State Tournament and 2nd in the Southeast Regional Tournament. He continues to play with Maitland Little League and is currently with the Maitland Pride, a 12 year old tournament baseball team who is comprised of the same players that were part of the 2010 All-Star team that finished 2nd in the Southeast Region. So far in 2011, they have recorded a 12-1 record and won two championships titles. Ryan plays an important role in this success as his primary positions are the two most physically demanding positions in baseball, pitching and catching. As a pitcher, he has averaged approximately two strikeouts per inning and as a catcher is referred to as “The Wall” who also has also demonstrated the ability to bring calmness and leadership to the pitching staff.

The Maitland Pride has hopes, as a little league team, to make it back to the Southeast Regional tournament and winning it this year to advance to the Little League World Series which will be only the second time in Maitland Little League’s history for a team to make it to Williamsport.

B Meyer Training looks forward to seeing Ryan reach even greater heights. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Questions about training your hamstrings/hip region

I was reading this Sunday afternoon and figured I would just post some of my notes and thoughts about this topic.  This is in no certain order but I'm sure the knowledge will be useful if your a performance coach or athlete looking to train better.

I've been training an AAU basketball team this past month and as usually most of the boys lack ankle dorsi-flexion and proper eversion/inversion which I have addressed as part of their specific warm-ups.  The topic today isn't on ankles but I'll be sure to go back to this topic since its a concern especially with majority of my ballers.  Chronic ankle sprains and lack of proper hamstring/hip training just to name a few issues have been addressed with group.  Ok back to hamstring/hip training.

Hamstring group made simple

-You have 2 big hamstring muscles semitendinosus and semimembranosus that start at the bottom of the butt on the ischial tuberosity and go to the inside of knee

-You also this gracilis muscle starts between your legs and also goes straight down to medial side or inside of knee

-Another muscle the sartorius starts by iliac spine or kinda in middle of hip anterior part and wraps around leg and inserts into medial tibia

Summarize the above-You have 2 bigger muscles that stay on inside back of leg and stop by inside of knee.  Next you got this wrap around muscle starts middle of hip anterior part and wraps around and goes to inside of knee. The last one I mentioned was this gracilis muscle starts between your legs pubic area and you have one on rt. leg and one on left leg.  Lets keep going.

-Last two I'm gonna mentioned are short and long head of bicep femoris or hamstring guys.  Long head starts by bottom of butt or ischial tuberosity and short head starts about half way down leg on femur.  Both these guys go to outside knee by the lateral condyle of tibia or leg.    So to put it simple you got these bicep femoris muscles that go to outside of knee while the group mentioned above goes toward inside of knee. 

In most cases the most important role these muscles have is in braking or slowing your body down.  I already pointed out they cross the knee so don't you think you might want to train them in different planes or directions and not just on those leg machines (machines are good thou don't get me wrong) ?  As you can see they cross the knee and hip and not mentioned is they need to be trained in various velocities once range of motion and strength and good.

I hope you have learned something as I reviewed the posterior chain and will be sure to post more notes in the coming weeks on such topics.  Happy hamstring training athletes.

Coach B Meyer


More on the Core Part II

I know another article on the core I've heard it all before but trust me you haven't.  When you think of a tent what is really holding up the tent from falling?  A huge part that stabilizes the tent/spine is not the center pole its the guide wires of the tent/spine.  The better your guide wires are working the better your spine/tent will thank you.  The more effective our guide wires are working the less stress is placed on the main pole or spine. 

I'm not going to bore you with lots of muscles but instead show you a few exercises to progress through as you train your core.  Here are a few rules to go by when training your core.

1.  Start on the ground not standing up.
Dead bug Level 1-3
 -low back stays on ground opposite arm opposite leg drops then returns to top and repeat
 -add both legs both arms to progress and then add small weights to hands 3-4 X 15-30 seconds

2.  High to low stability chop level 1

Chop Series

-squeeze right glute keep posture neutral with back straight
-pull-push and don't go into rounded back
-perform on both sides and use as warm-up before every lifting session
-3-4 sets X 15-25 reps moderate to light weight

More chop progressions and core training in coming weeks.  Remember, most problems occur when the athletes can't maintain isometric tension in the core muscles.  Watch super Spencer performing a Level 3 warm-up core exercise.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Owning your own business is very rewarding and also very difficult as anyone who owns their own business knows.  I have the pleasure of working with Coach Mark and have a great support staff in play but making a difference and seeing athletes and clients reach a higher level in life is what keeps me going.  These past few weeks have been very busy and challenged me more than the every thought.  I make mistakes everyday but feel I'm improving everyday and this story made my month.                                                       
I have trained the Rush Soccer Girls the past 4 years and have seen many of them reach D1 level and even the professional level.  This past week Alika a very bright and hardworking girl just got into Harvard and I wanted to highlight her and what she stands for.  What she says about training with Coach B is great but this girl works so hard and is really a pain in the ass with all the questions she continues to ask at every session.  Alika, your the best pain in the ass and keep those questions coming.   I appreciate your questions and look forward to every time you enter the gym.  This girl is going to be someone to watch on the field and in the game of life.  Thank you Alika.  Here is what she wrote me the other day.

Harvard was really a last minute thing. Meg and her mom had been throwing in little hints here and there to convince me to consider it, but my initial thoughts were that there's no way I would get in and that the coach hadn't even seen me play before. Even when the email came, I was rejecting the idea of it because it's absolutely freezing in Boston and there probably wouldn't be a good balance of soccer and school. As soon as I met the girls, I realized I was so wrong and I fell in love. As far as majors, I definitely know I want to do some kind of research in the science field. Luckily Harvard has so many options available.
B Meyer Training has helped me so much. I've never felt as agile and strong as I did after I started training on a weekly basis. In fact, two days before we left for Vegas, I landed the wrong way and hurt my knee. Based on the way I've heard other athletes's stories on how they tore ligaments, I was so nervous. When I went in for a checkup, the doc said he thinks I just twisted it badly. I may have thought it was worse than it actually was, but I honestly believe Coach Bryan's training helped me avoid anything more serious.

Having Fun With D12


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Best Machine Ever For Core

Pretty much this is the worst machine ever.  I'm not a scientist or super smart like my boy Stuart McGill, a leading back expert in the field of fitness but I know a bad machine when I see it.  Most gyms still have these  machines along with those great crunching machine that are just waiting to tear up your lower back in time.  I'm always reading and learning  more about performanace training and love McGills studies. This isn't new to most in the fitness area but I still see these machines in most gyms and even in the so called high performance gyms. 

According to McGill who has studied the back for years and written many books he shows multiple studies on continued flexion/Extension exercises that harm the back in time.  Some may say I do crunches all the time and back extension and my back feels fine but trust me in time a minor accident will put you over the edge.  As a general rule maintain a neutral back when performing lifts to reduce the force and place it on the hips.  If your hips aren't able to move properly then your sure to use that back more than you should for certain movements.  I'm going to skip around a little and give you some random facts to help you train  your core better.

1. Your Latissmus Dorsi is a core muscle?  Its invovled in lumbar (low back) extension and stabilization because of its origin @ the lumbar and insertion on the humerus.  Its kinda like a weight belt to your spine but the good kind not like the Josh Phillips kind.  Lats as you know help in pulling and pushing and lifting.

2.  Rectus (six pack muscles) not made to create lots of force over a length change but still most people love the curl ups over a gym ball.  You don't generate power with your rectus for movements it comes from other parts of the body.  Does a baseball player throw the ball harder because he uses his rectus more?

Look for part 2 and continued information later this week or next.  Back to work.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's in your Fridge - Part 2

In the last entry we discussed condiments, and some great alternatives to help keep you healthy, fit and ready to take on intense workouts in the gym. This entry is going to cover some other hidden pitfalls, and how to set yourself up for succes. Since we covered condiments lets put that to good use by making a sandwich.

Processed Meats - Yes, it's easy to go to the local grocery store and grab a package of lunchmeat however there is a TON of sodium, fat and other perservatives in processed meats. Some experts have even argued that perservatives in processed meats may change into cancer-causing compounds in the body. Instead try looking for minimally processed meats at your deli, or better yet, roast up your own meat slice and save the leftovers. It may be more time consuming but your body will thank you.

Breads - Instead of buying a loaf of plain white bread try using whole wheat, whole grain or even flax breads. Another great option is Pita or Roll-Ups but again always opt for the whole grain option. You can stuff them with tons of great ingredients and its great for a meal on the run. If you are taking the meal to work as your lunch, pack everything seperately and then just put it all together at your break.

Here are some Yummy Sandwich Options using all the tips we've given you:
  • Natural Peanut Butter topped with fresh banana slices
  • Home made Lunch Meat, Lettuce, Tomato with Mustard or Hummus
  • Low Fat Cheese with Avacado Tomato and Sprouts
  • Smoked Salmon, Low Fat Cream Cheese, Tomato and Red Onion
Another Great Lunch Option if you're not really wanting a sandwich are Kabobs. Use wooden skewers to to create a healthy alternative using bell peppers, meats, onion, and anything else you can think of. We also like fruit kabobs with melon, berries and apple slices. For dipping you can you use yogurt, hummus, sour cream or even tzatziki which is a Greek sauce made with yogurt and spices.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What does your fridge look like?

We already discussed Mayo, Mustard and Ketchup...now lets find some great alternatives that keep you fit, and healthy. Below are a some great ways to dress up your food while watching your caloric intake and not sabotaging all the hard work you put into the gym.

Hot Sauce - While you might never think Hot Sauce should be a staple in every home because it is one of the healthiest condiments you can get your hands on. The health benefits are lengthy including stimulating blood flow to the stomach, as well as increasing metabolism and reducing stress. So the next time you're having a bad day and want to eat cookies or donuts, put some hot sauce on a piece of chicken and go to town, you'll be thankful you did.

Salsa - Like Hot Sauce, Salsa can also help reduce depression, speed up metabolism and cure a cold. However unlike Hot Sauce, Salsa has some great attributes that our bodies need like Vitamin C and is an amazing alternative to other less appealing, more fattening condiments. For the most "bang for your buck" try making Salsa from scratch at home it will be at it's freshest and cut out on your intake of processed foods.

Vinegar - Vinegar is known to most dieters becuase of the few to zero calories it contains and it has been shown in some studies to help stablize blood sugar. Vinegar is a great choice for your salad as opposed to fatty dressings that are Mayo-based. Due to dressings like Ranch, Bleu Cheese and Caeser our healthy salads are turning into 2000+ calorie meals. Instead try oil and vinegar as your salad dressing for a healthier, more calorie friendly meal.

Hummus- This is my wife's personal favorite and if she had her way she would put Hummus on just about everything. While I think she's crazy there is a method to her madness, Hummus is made out of chickpeas which contain a ton of protein and fiber. Fiber helps you stay full for long periods of time as does Protein, but protein also helps you heal your muscles so you aren't so sore after killing it at the B Meyer Training Center. As if that wasn't enough to convince you, Hummus can also be considered a vegetable given that it is high in fiber, minerals and antioxidents.

I hope that you learned a few things from this blog, next month we're going to take on other hidden pitfalls in your fridge such as processed meats and yogurts. For now, enjoy cleaning out your condiments and we'll see you in the gym!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crunk Drinks I Love Them

Read what caffeine can do for you and get the facts.  Another article by Jose Antonio.

Caffeine Good or Bad?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Food Suggestions Made Simple

I recently have been getting questions concerning diet and eating suggestions.  I always tell my athletes I didn't get my degree in food but did take some classes and can give you suggestions but will not write out a diet.  I leave that to the experts not the performance coaches.  Bellow are some simple suggestions and I always try to go by.   My personal eating life I try and go with the 70-30 or 80-20 type weekly eating plan.  Eat 70 to 80 percent the same thing every week and 20-30 whatever you want with moderation.   I know after years how my body feels and adjusts and can make simple changes as I age. 

-egg whites but remember the yolk has all the nutritional value
-chicken breast

Tons of ways to cook everyone of those choices.

black beans
red beans
pinto beans

mixed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower)
green beans

1.  Don't drink your calories I rather eat mine
2.  Fruit 1-2 days a week is fine you don't need it everyday just extra sugar and fructose
3.  Try the 80-20 every week and your body won't feel the 20 bad your just ate for that one meal.
4.  Avoid processed stuff and shop on the outside of the store
5.  Pay extra to get your meals at restaurants made correctly or just ask for dressing extra on side
6.  Substitute your sides for steamed vegs without butter
7.  Rotate 5-7 meals for the week add delete one every 2-3 week so you don't get bored
8.  Ms. Dash, salsa, garlic salt, sea salt can all add taste and are simple to use

Coach B Meyer

Monday, February 21, 2011


As always the NBA all-star weekend was a huge success for Dwight.  He didn't get MVP or score tons of points but the impact that I saw Dwight have off the court was amazing.  Personally I was glad Dwight didn't play a lot since he is logging big minutes for the Magic and gearing for another run at the title.  Most think of the All-Star weekend as a time for the players to rest and hang out but the schedule these players have during all-star weekend is nothing like that.  Yes, Dwight had a great time but every hour except for the first 2 which he was eating when he landed was scheduled with meetings and appearances.  Dwight did them all with a smile and always made extra time  to spend with his fans and family.   C-Prime/Red Bull/Adidas put on a great Friday night show for his friends and guests.  Rick Ross made an appearance and added to a great night of activities at the party.    I have a short video up on my facebook to show the attention and impact Dwight has on the best in the NBA.  All his sponsors such as Adidas are lucky to have D12 on board and I feel blessed to see him in action during such an event.  To the entire D12 team and especially his manager and assistants well done boys.

  Coach B Meyer

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Update From Coach B Thursday

Clients and Friends-

1. Tuesday AM visited park maitland and to see how kids were
doing on Healthy 100 Challenge. Bmeyertraining is rewarding the best class with most checked off workouts.

2. Predator Dance Team begins workouts again @ bmeyertraining center
3. Excited to get new monster milk products from cytosport and muscle milk this week
4. On plane now to LA w Team Howard for all-star weekend.
5. Pastry shoes arrive today for magic dancers. Thank you to Rob and Angela Simmons.

Make sure to look for videos and pictures from all-star weekend on bmeyertraining fanpage

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Healthy 100 and B Meyer Training

Coach Mark and Coach B are super excited to be invovled with Florida Hospital and Park Maitland in the Healthy 100.  To learn more about the Healthy 100 please read what Park Maitland Mary Margaret wrote today to parents and freinds.

Learn what the challenge exercises are for the kids of Park Maitland.  Park Maitland Healthy 100 Challenge

Dear Park Maitland Parents, Teachers, and Staff:

Our morning assembly presenting the “Healthy 100” mission and goals was truly amazing! First of all, the children were beautifully behaved and looked adorable all dressed in green. They presented very cute, happy, eager photo ops for the many news cameras that were clicking away! You can see our school on the news at the following times and on/in the following channels/websites/newspapers and magazines (tentatively):

• The Orlando Sentinel — tomorrow’s paper, plus there will be something online before the end of today

• WKMG/Channel 6 — ran at noon and will repeat at 7:00 and 11:00 p.m.

• WFTV/CHANNEL 9 — is placing now

• WESH/Channel 2 — not sure of the time yet

• FOX/Channel 35 — will run on the 5:30 news and at 10:00 p.m.

• CFN/13 — will run starting at 4:00 p.m. and throughout the day and night

• Several magazines and local newspapers will be running the write-up and photos

We could not have had such a successful kick-off for this initiative without the help and expertise of some wonderful people. In the photo above, from left: Dwaine Stevens, a corporate officer with Publix, who drove from Jacksonville this morning to be with us at the assembly (Publix prepared over 600 salads for our students to enjoy at lunch); Mindy Kobrin, a Park Maitland graduate from 1983 who is a lifestyle and celebration expert in New York City (see the attached pdf file to learn more about her and enjoy her “Kissing Kebab” recipes); our Head of School, Cindy Moon; Sam Olenick, Park Maitland mom who is the Executive Director of Corporate Communications and Community Partnership at Florida Hospital, our “partner” in this wonderful endeavor; Mike Larrimore, Park Maitland School physical education teacher and faculty sponsor of our “Healthy 100 Kids;” Bryan Myer, a performance coach for athletes, and, in particular, for Dwight Howard; Hollis Wilder, Park Maitland mom and winner of “Cupcake Wars” on the Food Network for two straight years and our healthy eating presenter along with the “Healthy 100 Kids” (Hollis and her team of bakers at “Sweet” made all of the students delicious little mini mini cupcakes for lunch); and Mark Theisen, Park Maitland dad, and gym owner, also performance coach for athletes and pro surfer Evan Gielsman! They are all our heroes!

Please click open the attachment to this note, and you will see the “Kissing Kebabs” recipes shared by Mindy Kobrin. Mindy held a chocolate fondue party for the 4 Red class after the assembly. Trent Bangle, a student in 4 Red, won the “Kissing Kebabs” poster contest held to narrow down the winning class. They had such fun! Enjoy Mindy’s lovely recipes, and be sure to visit her website — http://www.mealsonheelsbymindy.com for menu ideas, recipes for all occasions, and tips for entertaining. As Mindy says, “Eat well. Feel well. Entertain well.”

For photos from the assembly, go to my MobileMe gallery at http://gallery.me.com/marymbowen#100381. For photos from the “Kissing Kebabs” chocolate fondue event, visit http://gallery.me.com/marymbowen#100386.

Happy, healthy evening, friends...and be sure to catch us on the news!

Mary Margaret

Monday, February 7, 2011

Healthy 100 Park Maitland Challenge

Exercise and working out doesn't have to take hours.  Good luck with the challenge and remember fitness can be done in minutes.  Dwight, Coach B, and Coach Mark are watching and waiting for the results.  Kids, get those parents involved and make it a family workout. 

View Exercises

Healthy 100 Challenge

Monday, January 31, 2011

Long Distance Running and the Bike are BAD NEWS

 I still enter large health clubs to watch and view trainers and also members from time to time. It's the same old thing,  trainers not watching their clients and members doing the same exercises and wondering why they aren't getting healthier.  What about the guy that sits at his desk all day and answers the phone?  He comes to the gym and performs some more flexion crunches and then sits on the stationary bike.  Hey, I wonder why your back hurts after 8 plus hours of the same posture.  You enter a gym or health club and get a pre-made club program that sticks you on the machine line and a trainer who doesn't care because he or she isn't getting paid to take you through the assembly line. Do you guys see a problem?  I went off the subject a little but the point is what is your membership and club really giving you?   A bike ride and treadmill program?

If you watch any one sport on TV or in person certain people were made to perform certain sports better than others.  It maybe hard to believe for some but its true.  I love the people that prove this wrong but for the most part all runners look the same all football players by position look the same and so on.  Are you ever going to see a Lebron or Dwight running marathons?  The answer is no they aren't made for those type of activites.  Could they both do a marathon, maybe but the pain and injury they would put themselves through would be extreme.  I'm not trying to turn people off of certain sports or exercises but just think for a minute about what your make up is and what your goals are in life and your sport.  If your a business guy and sit all day don't you think something to open up your hips and avoid tons of squats might be a good choice?  Don't ride the stationary bike or do lots of bench press this isn't what you need.  You are already are in this position all day so why do you want to reinforce this pattern and make yourself become more rounded? 

I'm an average female and don't have a tiny dancer frame and have average hips, what should I do?  I want to train for a marathon so I start running and increase my distance every week like the magazine said and trainer told me.  I'm getting back pain and shin splits but I'm getting skinner.  You see this is fine but at what cost are you looking better and how far will this take you?  Are you making money doing this and is your life depending on this pain?  The answer is no, so choice exercises that are better suited for your body type and can still get you the results you need and want.  Running isn't bad but this female isn't made for super long distances week after week.  The long distance is BAD just like the bike is BAD for the business guy who sits and then sits some more on the bike.  I think you get the idea now.

I will never look like Arnold or dunk like Dwight but I can sure reach my potential in activities that my body can become better at.  For kids don't listen to this you play every sport you want to and have fun but for you adults or higher level thinking athletes your exercise choices need to be smarter.  A short story I want to share about a dancer I trained two years ago.  Great girl, super athlete but she wanted to run a marathon and had never run longer then 3 miles before.  She was use to 3-5 minute intense dance practices and game performances.  What do you think happened to this young lady?  She ended up with very bad shin splits and back pain but did finish her first marathon.  I'm all for trying new things but she would have less pain and more success in picking a challenge that suited her body type and fast twitch fiber makeup instead of long distance running. She just wasn't made for this event plain and simple.

 Try new things but also learn and listen to your body as you progress and get past the high school level. You can still run and bike and do whatever but we have so many choices of competitive events and workouts that can suite you better and not get injured. 

I'm sure I pissed off a few people by saying this but I'm in the same position as a lot of you that are reading this.  I'm not getting younger and still play every sport and run but my body type is better suited for activities that my body make up is made for.  I'm always trying to make you think when it comes to fitness so train smarter the older we get.

This looks like fun doesn't it?