Sunday, March 27, 2011

More on the Core Part II

I know another article on the core I've heard it all before but trust me you haven't.  When you think of a tent what is really holding up the tent from falling?  A huge part that stabilizes the tent/spine is not the center pole its the guide wires of the tent/spine.  The better your guide wires are working the better your spine/tent will thank you.  The more effective our guide wires are working the less stress is placed on the main pole or spine. 

I'm not going to bore you with lots of muscles but instead show you a few exercises to progress through as you train your core.  Here are a few rules to go by when training your core.

1.  Start on the ground not standing up.
Dead bug Level 1-3
 -low back stays on ground opposite arm opposite leg drops then returns to top and repeat
 -add both legs both arms to progress and then add small weights to hands 3-4 X 15-30 seconds

2.  High to low stability chop level 1

Chop Series

-squeeze right glute keep posture neutral with back straight
-pull-push and don't go into rounded back
-perform on both sides and use as warm-up before every lifting session
-3-4 sets X 15-25 reps moderate to light weight

More chop progressions and core training in coming weeks.  Remember, most problems occur when the athletes can't maintain isometric tension in the core muscles.  Watch super Spencer performing a Level 3 warm-up core exercise.

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