Sunday, March 27, 2011

Questions about training your hamstrings/hip region

I was reading this Sunday afternoon and figured I would just post some of my notes and thoughts about this topic.  This is in no certain order but I'm sure the knowledge will be useful if your a performance coach or athlete looking to train better.

I've been training an AAU basketball team this past month and as usually most of the boys lack ankle dorsi-flexion and proper eversion/inversion which I have addressed as part of their specific warm-ups.  The topic today isn't on ankles but I'll be sure to go back to this topic since its a concern especially with majority of my ballers.  Chronic ankle sprains and lack of proper hamstring/hip training just to name a few issues have been addressed with group.  Ok back to hamstring/hip training.

Hamstring group made simple

-You have 2 big hamstring muscles semitendinosus and semimembranosus that start at the bottom of the butt on the ischial tuberosity and go to the inside of knee

-You also this gracilis muscle starts between your legs and also goes straight down to medial side or inside of knee

-Another muscle the sartorius starts by iliac spine or kinda in middle of hip anterior part and wraps around leg and inserts into medial tibia

Summarize the above-You have 2 bigger muscles that stay on inside back of leg and stop by inside of knee.  Next you got this wrap around muscle starts middle of hip anterior part and wraps around and goes to inside of knee. The last one I mentioned was this gracilis muscle starts between your legs pubic area and you have one on rt. leg and one on left leg.  Lets keep going.

-Last two I'm gonna mentioned are short and long head of bicep femoris or hamstring guys.  Long head starts by bottom of butt or ischial tuberosity and short head starts about half way down leg on femur.  Both these guys go to outside knee by the lateral condyle of tibia or leg.    So to put it simple you got these bicep femoris muscles that go to outside of knee while the group mentioned above goes toward inside of knee. 

In most cases the most important role these muscles have is in braking or slowing your body down.  I already pointed out they cross the knee so don't you think you might want to train them in different planes or directions and not just on those leg machines (machines are good thou don't get me wrong) ?  As you can see they cross the knee and hip and not mentioned is they need to be trained in various velocities once range of motion and strength and good.

I hope you have learned something as I reviewed the posterior chain and will be sure to post more notes in the coming weeks on such topics.  Happy hamstring training athletes.

Coach B Meyer


More on the Core Part II

I know another article on the core I've heard it all before but trust me you haven't.  When you think of a tent what is really holding up the tent from falling?  A huge part that stabilizes the tent/spine is not the center pole its the guide wires of the tent/spine.  The better your guide wires are working the better your spine/tent will thank you.  The more effective our guide wires are working the less stress is placed on the main pole or spine. 

I'm not going to bore you with lots of muscles but instead show you a few exercises to progress through as you train your core.  Here are a few rules to go by when training your core.

1.  Start on the ground not standing up.
Dead bug Level 1-3
 -low back stays on ground opposite arm opposite leg drops then returns to top and repeat
 -add both legs both arms to progress and then add small weights to hands 3-4 X 15-30 seconds

2.  High to low stability chop level 1

Chop Series

-squeeze right glute keep posture neutral with back straight
-pull-push and don't go into rounded back
-perform on both sides and use as warm-up before every lifting session
-3-4 sets X 15-25 reps moderate to light weight

More chop progressions and core training in coming weeks.  Remember, most problems occur when the athletes can't maintain isometric tension in the core muscles.  Watch super Spencer performing a Level 3 warm-up core exercise.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Owning your own business is very rewarding and also very difficult as anyone who owns their own business knows.  I have the pleasure of working with Coach Mark and have a great support staff in play but making a difference and seeing athletes and clients reach a higher level in life is what keeps me going.  These past few weeks have been very busy and challenged me more than the every thought.  I make mistakes everyday but feel I'm improving everyday and this story made my month.                                                       
I have trained the Rush Soccer Girls the past 4 years and have seen many of them reach D1 level and even the professional level.  This past week Alika a very bright and hardworking girl just got into Harvard and I wanted to highlight her and what she stands for.  What she says about training with Coach B is great but this girl works so hard and is really a pain in the ass with all the questions she continues to ask at every session.  Alika, your the best pain in the ass and keep those questions coming.   I appreciate your questions and look forward to every time you enter the gym.  This girl is going to be someone to watch on the field and in the game of life.  Thank you Alika.  Here is what she wrote me the other day.

Harvard was really a last minute thing. Meg and her mom had been throwing in little hints here and there to convince me to consider it, but my initial thoughts were that there's no way I would get in and that the coach hadn't even seen me play before. Even when the email came, I was rejecting the idea of it because it's absolutely freezing in Boston and there probably wouldn't be a good balance of soccer and school. As soon as I met the girls, I realized I was so wrong and I fell in love. As far as majors, I definitely know I want to do some kind of research in the science field. Luckily Harvard has so many options available.
B Meyer Training has helped me so much. I've never felt as agile and strong as I did after I started training on a weekly basis. In fact, two days before we left for Vegas, I landed the wrong way and hurt my knee. Based on the way I've heard other athletes's stories on how they tore ligaments, I was so nervous. When I went in for a checkup, the doc said he thinks I just twisted it badly. I may have thought it was worse than it actually was, but I honestly believe Coach Bryan's training helped me avoid anything more serious.

Having Fun With D12!/photo.php?fbid=201657499863802&set=a.189117854451100.51417.107547505941469&theater

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Best Machine Ever For Core

Pretty much this is the worst machine ever.  I'm not a scientist or super smart like my boy Stuart McGill, a leading back expert in the field of fitness but I know a bad machine when I see it.  Most gyms still have these  machines along with those great crunching machine that are just waiting to tear up your lower back in time.  I'm always reading and learning  more about performanace training and love McGills studies. This isn't new to most in the fitness area but I still see these machines in most gyms and even in the so called high performance gyms. 

According to McGill who has studied the back for years and written many books he shows multiple studies on continued flexion/Extension exercises that harm the back in time.  Some may say I do crunches all the time and back extension and my back feels fine but trust me in time a minor accident will put you over the edge.  As a general rule maintain a neutral back when performing lifts to reduce the force and place it on the hips.  If your hips aren't able to move properly then your sure to use that back more than you should for certain movements.  I'm going to skip around a little and give you some random facts to help you train  your core better.

1. Your Latissmus Dorsi is a core muscle?  Its invovled in lumbar (low back) extension and stabilization because of its origin @ the lumbar and insertion on the humerus.  Its kinda like a weight belt to your spine but the good kind not like the Josh Phillips kind.  Lats as you know help in pulling and pushing and lifting.

2.  Rectus (six pack muscles) not made to create lots of force over a length change but still most people love the curl ups over a gym ball.  You don't generate power with your rectus for movements it comes from other parts of the body.  Does a baseball player throw the ball harder because he uses his rectus more?

Look for part 2 and continued information later this week or next.  Back to work.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's in your Fridge - Part 2

In the last entry we discussed condiments, and some great alternatives to help keep you healthy, fit and ready to take on intense workouts in the gym. This entry is going to cover some other hidden pitfalls, and how to set yourself up for succes. Since we covered condiments lets put that to good use by making a sandwich.

Processed Meats - Yes, it's easy to go to the local grocery store and grab a package of lunchmeat however there is a TON of sodium, fat and other perservatives in processed meats. Some experts have even argued that perservatives in processed meats may change into cancer-causing compounds in the body. Instead try looking for minimally processed meats at your deli, or better yet, roast up your own meat slice and save the leftovers. It may be more time consuming but your body will thank you.

Breads - Instead of buying a loaf of plain white bread try using whole wheat, whole grain or even flax breads. Another great option is Pita or Roll-Ups but again always opt for the whole grain option. You can stuff them with tons of great ingredients and its great for a meal on the run. If you are taking the meal to work as your lunch, pack everything seperately and then just put it all together at your break.

Here are some Yummy Sandwich Options using all the tips we've given you:
  • Natural Peanut Butter topped with fresh banana slices
  • Home made Lunch Meat, Lettuce, Tomato with Mustard or Hummus
  • Low Fat Cheese with Avacado Tomato and Sprouts
  • Smoked Salmon, Low Fat Cream Cheese, Tomato and Red Onion
Another Great Lunch Option if you're not really wanting a sandwich are Kabobs. Use wooden skewers to to create a healthy alternative using bell peppers, meats, onion, and anything else you can think of. We also like fruit kabobs with melon, berries and apple slices. For dipping you can you use yogurt, hummus, sour cream or even tzatziki which is a Greek sauce made with yogurt and spices.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What does your fridge look like?

We already discussed Mayo, Mustard and lets find some great alternatives that keep you fit, and healthy. Below are a some great ways to dress up your food while watching your caloric intake and not sabotaging all the hard work you put into the gym.

Hot Sauce - While you might never think Hot Sauce should be a staple in every home because it is one of the healthiest condiments you can get your hands on. The health benefits are lengthy including stimulating blood flow to the stomach, as well as increasing metabolism and reducing stress. So the next time you're having a bad day and want to eat cookies or donuts, put some hot sauce on a piece of chicken and go to town, you'll be thankful you did.

Salsa - Like Hot Sauce, Salsa can also help reduce depression, speed up metabolism and cure a cold. However unlike Hot Sauce, Salsa has some great attributes that our bodies need like Vitamin C and is an amazing alternative to other less appealing, more fattening condiments. For the most "bang for your buck" try making Salsa from scratch at home it will be at it's freshest and cut out on your intake of processed foods.

Vinegar - Vinegar is known to most dieters becuase of the few to zero calories it contains and it has been shown in some studies to help stablize blood sugar. Vinegar is a great choice for your salad as opposed to fatty dressings that are Mayo-based. Due to dressings like Ranch, Bleu Cheese and Caeser our healthy salads are turning into 2000+ calorie meals. Instead try oil and vinegar as your salad dressing for a healthier, more calorie friendly meal.

Hummus- This is my wife's personal favorite and if she had her way she would put Hummus on just about everything. While I think she's crazy there is a method to her madness, Hummus is made out of chickpeas which contain a ton of protein and fiber. Fiber helps you stay full for long periods of time as does Protein, but protein also helps you heal your muscles so you aren't so sore after killing it at the B Meyer Training Center. As if that wasn't enough to convince you, Hummus can also be considered a vegetable given that it is high in fiber, minerals and antioxidents.

I hope that you learned a few things from this blog, next month we're going to take on other hidden pitfalls in your fridge such as processed meats and yogurts. For now, enjoy cleaning out your condiments and we'll see you in the gym!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crunk Drinks I Love Them

Read what caffeine can do for you and get the facts.  Another article by Jose Antonio.

Caffeine Good or Bad?