Monday, November 21, 2011

Cardio First?

I need to do cardio first ?

Dr. Kenneth Cooper states

Although the condition of the heart may be a key to health, the key to health is not the heart!  The things that we as exercise/rehab professionals should be looking at first and foremost are neuromuscular integrity and joint integrity.  It is the skeleton and connective tissues that are the foundations for all force distribution.  Without healthy joints we will not be able to maintain activity to improve overall health and life.  They must endure the forces generated both internally and externally.  And without appropriate muscular activity and proper recruitment sequence/order to provide optimal joint function and joint forces the joints will not remain healthy and then no more cardio!

Every form of exercise is resistance exercise!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Suspension Training TRX with Coach Anne

Become a part of something special before the year is over with Coach Anne.  Thanks for the  blog post Coach Anne.  

More confessions from a TRX addict...

I don't have to go to work...I get to go to work; to do something I love with exceptional leaders in the world of personal/athletic training!  Secondary to my first love and primary calling as a wife and mother,  I was created to teach, lead, encourage and inspire through suspension training.  My strengths and passions, my personal expedition of health and fitness and my desire to walk with others as they realize success in their physical journey makes my role at B Meyer Training a perfect fit for ME!  When I started down the path of leading TRX suspension training classes at B Meyer, I thought I'd play an integral part in helping others seek and fulfill their fitness goals.  What I didn't expect was who I'd meet along the way and that I would be taught, led, encouraged and inspired by them!  I'm constantly challenged and encouraged by the B Meyer T.E.A.M. ~ Together Everyone Accomplishes More! I am inspired by clients who faithfully show up BIG.  And I am honored to be a fundamental presence in the lives of those who are on a quest for wellness!  

B Meyer Training and TRX suspension equipment have provided me with the exceptional tools and support to motivate two incredible ladies.  In the past 16 weeks they have gained confidence, increased strength, flexibility and endurance, and successfully shed over 60 pounds combined!  What a privilege to celebrate their accomplishments together!  

Don't wait for the New Year...Make health and fitness a priority in your life today!  TRX group classes at B Meyer Training Center are available at the following times:

M  6pm  Intermediate More Core!
     7pm  Basic

T   9:00am Intermediate

W 6pm Basic
    7pm Advanced

Th 9:00am  Intermediate

F  6:30am Basic

S 8am Advanced
   9am Intermediate

Email Anne to register for classes

Monday, November 14, 2011

Who is Coach B Meyer?

I recently was asked by Jeremy Boone and athletesbydesign to answer a few questions about performance training.  I'm looking forward to more projects like this in the near future and here is a look at a few of questions I had to answer for Coach Boone.  Thanks JB for your questions and being a big part of who I am today.

  1. What’s your definition of a coach?
A coach to me is more than teaching movement/strength and program design.  As a coach you are a mentor and teacher to your clients.  I focus on trying to set a good example in every aspect of my life for my clients no matter the age.  A coach is a giver first and always focusing on the client/athlete first.  

  2.  Summarize your story of how and why you became a coach?

I was always the kid during practice wondering why I was training a certain way for the sport I was playing at that time.  I was always curious why some athletes were successful and other failed to reach their potential.  I was impacted by my parents and coaches in various ways and always knew I could make a difference in a young athletes life for the better.  My first love was coaching after my playing days and with my education and foundation my parents gave me I knew performance training could help me impact people for the better.  I began studying my high school coaches and top strength coaches throughout high school and college and knew i had to get involved in this industry.  

  3.  For those that may not know you, whats your coaching focus and level of athletes that you work with?

My coaching focus is movement first and teaching body awareness.  I think the industry focuses a lot on power and speed and ignores the fundamental of life and sports which is movement and with this comes the power and speed.  The level of athletes I work with are from junior kids to NBA all-stars.

 6.  Who has been your top three biggest influences?  What has been your most valuable things you have learned from each?

My parents for teaching me hard work and never taking the short cut.   

 Second my high school coaches for the most part didn't provide a positive atmosphere for me to do my best in life and sport.  I learned from them that every client/athlete needs to be treated differently.  I understand the impact in a positive way and negative way that coaches can effect people.

Third, first mentor who is still a performance coach in Florida who education wise was great but morals and standards made him fall short.  I would say his name but I'm sad to say he has treated people wrong and in my eyes could of been one of the best in the industry if he would of listened to what he preached.  I learned to never push away good people and you can always learn something from every coach you come across.  I'm very grateful to him and the people I started with at this location in Florida and wish nothing but the best to him in the future.

I have 2 other and understand you only asked for 3 but I have to mention them.  One is the manager of one of athletes I train.  He is all about relationships and investing in other people, you must put into their pot first and the rest will take care of itself.   The last one is my business partner who believed in me as person and then as performance coach.  He makes me jump everyday to new heights and we go by the quote you fail forward you aren't failing.  Why not try?