Guys like Yuri Verkoshansky and Louie Simmons continue to surprise me with the knowledge they were using with their athletes long before my time in this field. Some of this maybe new to you but the point is no toy or new supplement can replace hard work and knowledge. A few thing to remember next time you train or pick a performance coach. You can learn from text books but as we all know life teaches you more then any text book will ever teach you.
1. Its not likely you will be a great Olympic Lifter and great athlete
2. Spend more time on hip dominant exercises
3. Don't spend all your time on teaching lifts just get the job done
4. Functional Power exercises are easier to teach and might work better then teaching lifts
5. We forget the body ages and your program needs to change as you change
6. If you have the same off-season program each year get a new performance coach
7. Most still don't teach movement first they teach exercise
8. We are in the business of teaching athletes not lifters
9. Never get tied to one exercise the body adapts
10. No perfect rep count but there is perfect form
What is this guy doing? Time and place for everything. I really don't know what to say on this one.
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