Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Help reduce lower back pain


What is he talking about?   The mid back or scapula region consists of muscles that elevate, protract, retract, and side flex. I wanted to go over a few easy to do exercises that you can add to your warm up or program design. Why? We sit all day and or play sports in a flexed rounded back position.   This area is suppose to be very mobile to aid in movement and help reduce lower back pain. The longer we stay in that rounded old person looking posture the harder it is on our lower back and hip region.  Didn't mean to make any old people mad just wanted to get my point across.

Mid Back Thoracic Quick Warm up

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Got a great question from trainer in Orlando

I recently received a text from a trainer in Orlando about screening athletes. Which is best and why? He is somewhat new to the screening but has taken some steps to improve his product with screening and baseline measurements. Where to start?

1. Use a screen you understand and grow it. EX: NASM overhead squat
2. No one screen is the best but expand and learn what might be a better test.
3. Depends on the client or situation
4. NASM is great but movement screens are becoming more useful.
5. Continue to second guess yourself and add more tools to your toolbox.

What B Meyer Training is currently using
1. Hop and Stop for most or all athletes
Why? Great way to see differences in single leg strength and power. Helps with program design.
2. Most if not all of the Functional Movement Screen
Why? Again core, single leg strength mobility and stability easily seen and screened.
3. Combine and use what is good for you and where your knowledge is
Why? Don't use a test that you don't understand. If I use a screen I want to know how I can apply it in my program design. Don't look smarter then you are.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One of the best leg exercises not used enough. Tons of progressions and variations to improve strength and correct asymmetries.