What Performance Training Should Look Like?
Toward the end of 2011 I wanted to reflect on some thoughts good and bad about our industry.
Old article but wanted to post anyway. ENJOY !
1. Trainers don't have to study
2. Trainers don't study they just borrow from others
3. We are focused on results and not the process
4. Trainers tell clients what to do the clients makeup should
5. We think functional training is standing on a ball doing bicep curls
6. We don't look at body control we just add weight to clients progressions
7. Industry is focused on money and not making people better
8. Trainers don't second guess and try and get better
9. A new exercise doesn't mean the person is progressing
10. Is there anything the person can do before this
11. We are focused on fast food and fast fitness
12. Some coaches are studying to get better and science and biomechanics is the place not YouTube
13. Value the people who push you out of your comfort zone
14. Position/motion plus resistance plus time plus effort
15. A squat doesn't look a certain way it all depends on what your trying to accomplish
16. If you can control it don't add weight
17. Did you think training in isolation is for meatheads?
18. Just because you have a degree or cert. doesn't mean your done learning
19. Does your trainer know that a lunge can be done to stress the knee or put more torque on the hips?
20. Does your client have ability to stop or control what they are doing?
21. You are told to go lower on your lunge or squat but you can't control the current weight?
I don't think I know everything about this industry but do think the majority don't try to get better. I hope this ha has made you think about who your training with and are they getting you better or just training? I always trying to get better because training someone is a privilege and a big responsibility.
Coach B Meyer (off to study)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Drink Chia Questions for Bryan
Why did you choose to partner
with Drink Chia?
I have long been friends with the
founders of Drink Chia, so I understand and support their mission of promoting
an active and healthy lifestyle. When
they came to me with the idea of associating my name with their latest flavor,
I had no reservations, as I have seen first-hand the positive effects it has
had on me and my athletes. All-natural,
and loaded with sustainable nutrition enhancers, it is the antithesis of many
of the sugary, artificial, adjunct-laden products that flood the performance
beverage market today. When they told me
they planned to donate a portion of the proceeds of each sale of ‘B Meyer
Lemon’ to the D12 Foundation, a cause that I am truly passionate about, that
really sealed the deal.
Why do they call it a
superfood beverage?
The superfood component comes in
the form of the whole organic chia seeds that are infused into the drink. Chia seeds are loaded with plant-based
Omega-3 fatty acids, which studies have shown to be beneficial to a number of
body systems and processes. Dating back
thousands of years, the Aztecs and the Mayans revered chia for its ability to
enhance strength, energy, and endurance in extreme conditions. Later, native American Indians would eat chia
seeds mixed with water on 100+ mile messaging runs between the Colorado River
and the Pacific Ocean. They even called
chia the “running food!”
What are the health and
performance benefits of Drink Chia?
Drink Chia is excellent for
enhancing hydration and endurance. Those
little seeds have incredible absorptive properties, which provide for prolonged
hydration and electrolyte retention.
Further, because they are in their whole, natural state, our bodies
break the seeds down slowly, promoting balanced blood sugar levels that are
essential to prolonged endurance.
Finally, the Omega-3 essential fatty acids contained in the seeds work
to promote hearth health and improve mental focus.
When should athletes drink a
Drink Chia?
One of the beauties of Drink Chia
is its versatility in terms of how it can be worked into an athlete’s
nutritional program. We use it with our
athletes before, during, and after training sessions to promote sustained hydration,
endurance, and recovery. At just 40
calories and 4 grams of sugar per serving, it is something that can be used in
conjunction with an athlete’s existing dietary supplementation program without
being disruptive.
How and why did you come up
with “B Meyer” Lemon?
We really kind of stumbled upon
the name as a matter of coincidence. As
the Drink Chia team was developing the flavor profile for the latest addition
to their product lineup, they settled on a really tasty blend of Meyer lemon
and blueberry. Once the determination
was made that we would be partnering on the drink, it was only natural that we
incorporate my performance training facility, B Meyer Training, into the
name. I guess having a last name that is
a lemon varietal came in handy for once!
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