Friday, January 27, 2012

B Meyer Welcomes Valerie to the B Meyer Training Team

1.  Where did you go to school? University of Central Florida
2.  What did you study in school and why did you want to become a performance coach? Sports and Exercise Science. I wanted to be a performance coach because I want to help people (athletes and general pop) get better and make a positive impact in their lives.

3.  You interned at two locations where and why did you choose those two? First internship was with Bryan Meyer at B Meyer Training. I wanted to do an internship with Coach B because of his great reputation training athletes around central Florida. I wanted to shadow, learn, and understand why his coaching methods are so effective.

4.  What is your training philosophy? Provide results through safe, effective, and educated training.  Train through movements, as everyday life is lived through moving.

5.  What type of clients do you train? Different types of athletes and the general population

6.  Where is the fitness industry now? The fitness industry in general has been and is caught up with a lot of trends.  There are industry professionals out there that put their clients through danger putting them through “workouts” that have a high risk for injury.  As fitness professionals, it should be our duty to get our clients better, not hurt them.

7.  What is your role at bmeyer training and why did you choose to become a coach at bmeyer training? I am a performance coach here at B Meyer Training.  I chose to become a coach here because the training philosophy at B Meyer Training is similar to mine.  Also, with Bryan Meyer’s leadership I believe what they’re doing here is going to take training to new heights through education and finding safer and effective ways to get the clients better.

8.  How can you help the fitness industry reach new heights?  I can help by continuing to exude my passion for this industry every day in my training sessions and making an impact in people’s lives. And by continuing to find safe, simple and effective ways to get clients better, backed up by scientific studies.

9.  What advice can you give future performance coaches? Keep learning and don’t get caught up in the trends.  Get as much experience as you can in the field and learn from the performance coaches that are already in the field.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Partner Fight To B Fittest Challenge Feb 1


Sign up for our FIGHT… $120/team (2 people per team)
View the clip to see Fight To The Fittest Challenge 1
WIN $$$$$$$$.... $200/team
12 workout designed by Coach B
FIGHT starts Feb. 1st to March 1st … 1 month  program (4 stages) designed by Coach B to enhance your performance in Life…
1st Place–  $200/team
2nd Place-B Meyer Adidas Gear
3rd Place-1 TRX class or 1 session with one  of our coaches
Come in today and WIN.  This is our best program to date that we are offering our members.  You ready to learn and get better?  Let's GO.