Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A better look at performance training

What Performance Training Should Look Like? Toward the end of 2011 I wanted to reflect on some thoughts good and bad about our industry. 1. Trainers don't have to study 2. Trainers don't study they just borrow from others 3. We are focused on results and not the process 4. Trainers tell clients what to do the clients makeup should 5. We think functional training is standing on a ball doing bicep curls 6. We don't look at body control we just add weight to clients progressions 7. Industry is focused on money and not making people better 8. Trainers don't second guess and try and get better 9. A new exercise doesn't mean the person is progressing 10. Is there anything the person can do before this 11. We are focused on fast food and fast fitness 12. Some coaches are studying to get better and science and biomechanics is the place not YouTube 13. Value the people who push you out of your comfort zone 14. Position/motion plus resistance plus time plus effort 15. A squat doesn't look a certain way it all depends on what your trying to accomplish 16. If you can control it don't add weight 17. Did you think training in isolation is for meatheads? 18. Just because you have a degree or cert. doesn't mean your done learning 19. Does your trainer know that a lunge can be done to stress the knee or put more torque on the hips? 20. Does your client have ability to stop or control what they are doing? 21. You are told to go lower on your lunge or squat but you can't control the current weight? I don't think I know everything about this industry but do think the majority don't try to get better. I hope this has made you think about who your training with and are they getting you better or just training? I'm always trying to get better because training someone is a privilege and a big responsibility. Coach B Meyer (off to study)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fight To Be Fittest TEST DAY

Hey Fighters-

With the holidays coming and people leaving for family visits we are offering the following test days and times.  You must get tested before Jan. 1.  We are super excited to see the great results.  The atmosphere and team work in the gym has been great with the fight.  We thank you all and look forward to the next Fight.  Results will be posted Jan. 2nd along with an interview from the winner so you can learn from the best.  LOL.

Tuesday Dec. 20th 7am-9am
Tuesday Dec. 20th 12-1 or 5-6pm

Thursday Dec. 22nd 7am-9am
Thursday Dec. 22nd 12-1 or 5-6pm

Please text or email Coach B or Coach Dave if you are unable to make test times.

bmeyer@bmeyertraining.com  Caoch B

dr5mj23@gmail.com    Coach Dave