Monday, January 25, 2010

B Meyer Training Book Your Times Now

The official date for B Meyer Training @ Body Tecz in Longwood, Florida is Feb. 1.  I will be starting to book clients today and am offer a special before our grand opening on Feb. 1.  Come in for a visit or book a session with B Meyer Training today.  Receive a free session with your sign up before Feb. 1.  Our facility features Keiser equipment and full turf area for movement and performance training.  There is no facility like this in Central Florida.  Email @

Body Tecz
3869 Wekiva Springs Road
Longwood, Florida 32779

Friday, January 22, 2010


I recently did a follow up for a magazine about push ups.  Everyone knows how to do a push up and how to progress them correct?  I wish this was true but this isn't the case.  Forget about crunches you can use simple exercises to focus on your core and save your lower back.  The push up is a great example and I wanted to share some simple progressions that you can add into your workout and learn body control.

Level 1
-holds on bottom 3-5-10 seconds
-staggered arms 3-5-10 second holds
-client unable to do hold use big rubber band around waist and hold their lower back from dropping
-use elevated bench to decrease level if needed
Level 2
-walking push ups increase time or holds
-3 seconds down hold, 3 seconds on bottom and concentric come up as fast as possible and progress to 5 second holds
-crossover push up up a small aerobic step or using a speed ladder to have a target to crossover your arms
-variations are endless again pending on the needs and ability of your athlete
Level 3
-add plates to lower back (be careful don't let lower back go into extension)
-progress to power or plyo push ups then go into your strength

Best of luck and so many variations just make sure you progress as athlete progresses.  Train Smart!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


What do you do to increase your athletes RFP?  Strength? Power? Plyometrics? Variable resistance?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Suggestions for Core Training

Yes I know this topic is talked about a lot but what is your core training consisting of?  I do some crunches, planks, and side twist on the cable machine 2 X per week.  Does this sound kinda like a typical program or something you see a lot in the gym?  I know most athletes do a lot more then this but you get the point the program is simple and focuses on the correct muscles.  Wrong,  this program isn't completely (just about thou) wrong but lets make it real simple and see if this helps.  I've borrowed and stole ideas from some of the best back experts in the business along with adding some of my own knowledge.  Do you train the core standing up or sitting down or combination?  So many studies and trainers say this exercise is the best or never do that, here is what I think.  Don't train your core to get extension out of your lower back.  Don't train your core to flex.  Agree or disagree?  Try these you will feel and see the difference.  Not a complete program but a good start to training the core with a focus on protecting the back.  Sorry for the grammer errors I only had about ten minutes to get my thoughts down before the next client.  Thanks for reading!
Agree or disagree shoot me a comment

Saturday, January 9, 2010

McDonalds Taco Bell or Creatine?

I just finished the two day conference @ NSCA and wanted to share some maybe new or maybe not new ideas and thoughts to my athletes and clients.  The training aspect didn't learn much but did get me thinking about some ideas to add into my program designs.  The biggest things I continue to get from my athletes is about sport supplements and what to take and when.  I'm no expert but the speakers were so I wanted to share some information you can use today.

Jose Antonio (great speaker and tons of knowledge in sports supplements)

Few ideas to think about but 2 much to go over......

1.  Pre and Post workout drinks meals most important meal of day (if you workout)
2.  Whey protein with some sugar best to use before and after workout (delete sugar if you want less calories you skinny people)
3.  Casein protein best used as night snack or meal for slower digestion during your sleep
4.  Breakfast isn't most important meal but for fat loss yes you need to have breakfast
5.  Creatine works so use it and harmful effects none other then strength gains
6.  Caffeine drinks works and monster and red bull really don't have that much.  Don't go over board thou people.
7.  Vit. D add to your diet especially during winter if you live above ATL you aren't getting enough Vit. D.
8.  Kinda long but worth reading (straight from his website article)
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that is common in many foods that we eat, such as chicken.  Beta-alanine is not much of an ergogenic aid by itself.  However, when it enters the muscle cell, it becomes the rate limiting substrate to carnosine synthesis (1).  In fact, Harris (2) reported that 4 weeks of supplementing beta-alanine (4 to 6 grams per day) resulted in a mean increase of 64% in skeletal muscle.  Supplementing L-carnosine can also increase skeletal muscle carnosine concentrations.  Once L-carnosine enters the digestive system, it is hydrolyzed into histidine and beta-alanine, which is then taken up by skeletal muscle and synthesized into carnosine (2).  Due to the immediate hydrolysis, carnosine can not be taken up into the muscle intact.  
            Carnosine, found primarily in fast-twitch skeletal muscle, contributes to buffering of H+ thus attenuating a drop in pH associated with anaerobic metabolism.  Interestingly, carnosine concentrations in athletes, such as sprinters, appear to be significantly higher than those of marathoners, untrained individuals, and the elderly (2).  Furthermore, intense physical training is capable of increasing muscle carnosine levels.  Twelve days of intense training of elite speed skaters has been shown to increase muscle carnosine content by 87% (2). 
            Suzuki et al. (5) recently examined the relationship between skeletal muscle carnosine levels and high intensity exercise performance.  Suzuki et al. (5) reported there was a significant relationship between carnosine concentration and the mean power from a 30 second maximal sprint on a cycle ergometer.  Basically, the higher the carnosine, the better the performance.  In theory, increasing skeletal muscle carnosine levels (via beta-alanine supplementation or intense training) should increase buffering capacity, delay fatigue, and increase exercise performance.  
9.   Beta alanine and creatine will continue to most studied supplements for next few years.
10.  The drive up window with your kids or taking small amounts of creatine?  I think I will go with small amounts of creatine.

I'm not saying use all this but worth looking into. This is from experts not from B Meyer.  I only want what is best for my athletes.  I'm learning more as you are I hope and I know how to train but learning about basic supplements can only help in what I do and how you perform. 

Coach "B"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Upcoming Weeks

The new facility located in Longwood, Florida, Body Tecz is coming along.  Turf and floor is going in as I write this and hope to be up and running in some capacity in the next week.  A little side note about your current job and company you work for.  Protect yourself and never get comfortable.  I had not a bad experience myself when I left my current employer in July but it really made me realize that they don't miss me at all.  I wasn't looking for a parade or anything but 5.5 years with a company and one of the top trainers in the club and they didn't care  (upper management anyway).  For me not a big deal but after 2 of their other top trainers left just recently they got the same treatment maybe worse.  I've learned and knew we all are easily replaced no matter how much money or value we bring to the company we work for.   It still kinda makes you think about what some people are really focused on. It might be the economy but as I said before people make the system work not the system that make it work.   I guess the point of my vent session is work with people you believe in and that believe in you and take care of those people.  The company gets bigger and bigger you may get lost in the company focus and be replaced like my two good friends/trainers in the mix.  Surround yourself with good people and you will be fine. 

Service page up and running B Meyer Trianing
B Meyer Training DVDs